

‍Sitely supports displaying Instagram posts within Images, Image Galleries and from the specialized Instagram element. The advantage of using Sitely native images or galleries is you can then apply all the effects Sitely provides. On the other hand special Instagram post types (like videos, multi-image posts) require the use of the Instagram element, which directly embed a post in the page.

‍Instagram integration in the context of images and galleries is discussed in their documentation page.

‍The Instagram element is configurable in a few different ways.

‍In “Post” mode, you can integrate any Instagram post from anybody with a public profile. The post content is non-changing and will be visible on your website as long as it is visible on Instagram.

‍In “Recent Post” mode, the Instagram element will connect to your feed from your live site, and show the recent post specified in the settings. Which recent post to use is indicated with a number, 0 being the latest post, -1 through -29 being older posts in the feed. So if for example you use recent post number 0, the element will always show the latest post in your feed, without needing to update or re-publish your Sitely site.

‍Like the Twitter and Facebook options, the “Link to Instagram profile” option offers a simple icon linking to your Instagram profile.


‍The Instagram component requires a small PHP script to run on your server, Sitely installs this for you, but it means you need to have PHP support on your web hosting plan.

‍Like for other social components, if you have an ad or content blocker installed in your browser, the Instagram element gets removed from the page (as it tracks users via cookies), so Instagram content won’t be visible in preview or in the published site. Disabling the blocker or whitelisting preview of your site will show Instagram content properly.

‍The Instagram recent images feature requires PHP to be active on the web server.

Instagram settings
Instagram embedded post
Instagram recent post

Please report any shortcoming in this documentation and we’ll fix it as soon as possible!

Updated for Sitely 5.6

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